***This information applies ONLY to FORMER HPD OFFICERS***
Any former Houston Police Department officer who voluntarily resigned from the department for personal reasons may reapply. Former HPD officers requesting to be reinstated must:
- Hold a valid TCOLE license,
- Must meet all of the same selection criteria as an entry-level police cadet with the exception of the age restriction, and
- Must successfully complete the entire recruiting process.
The Chief of Police will have final authority to approve or deny any reinstatement request.
If you are a former HPD officer who wishes to begin the reinstatement process, please contact the Recruiting Division at 713-308-1353.
If you resigned from HPD as a police trainee or a probationary officer, you are NOT eligible to reapply as a reinstatement. If interested in reapplying to HPD, you must go through the entire recruiting process as any other new applicant.