***This information applies ONLY to FORMER HPD OFFICERS***
Any former Houston Police Department officer who voluntarily resigned from the department for personal reasons may reapply.  Former HPD officers requesting to be reinstated must:

  • Hold a valid TCOLE license,
  • Must meet all of the same selection criteria as an entry-level police cadet with the exception of the age restriction, and
  • Must successfully complete the entire recruiting process.

The Chief of Police will have final authority to approve or deny any reinstatement request.
If you are a former HPD officer who wishes to begin the reinstatement process, please contact the Recruiting Division at 713-308-1353.
If you resigned from HPD as a police trainee or a probationary officer, you are NOT eligible to reapply as a reinstatement.  If interested in reapplying to HPD, you must go through the entire recruiting process as any other new applicant.


Houston Police Department
Recruiting Division
1200 Travis, Suite 1300
Houston, TX 77002

(713) 308-1300
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